Monday, April 29, 2019


I came across this website that convert your favorite music into art.

so i chose on elf my favorite song Fragile, by Gnash, and converted it

first, you upload, and then there are color palettes to choose, and then you can adjust parameters to create the shape you want. Then you can add text and adjust sizes and fonts. A digital download is freaking 30 dollars. So I screenshot it.


lyric art: 

Monday, April 22, 2019


Image result for faythe levine star necklace

Faythe Levine:

Faythe introduce herself as a project-driven person, and introduced her works as "about other people's works". To me, it makes total sense: she is self-dependent for most of her career life, she said that she makes deadlines for her own work, it is impressive to a college student who always procrastinates and is detached from the idea of community. There are self-published magazines, a cafe that functions as a skill sharing workshop and a hub of community, there is Flying Fish Gallery with mail art, a band called Wooden Robot, there is the huge Art v.s Craft, and book and film Handmade Nation. As I write about her and rethink about everything I have done in my life: I always struggle to make something unique and ignore the possibility that artists don't just make their own art, but they collaborate and make art and ideas into something shared.

Monday, April 15, 2019

talk to the mic

If you are given a microphone, you can say anything to it and it will be played in public, what would you say?

What authority does a holding a mic give you? What position does it put you?

So many people love to give a speech, or be completely crazy at a karaoke bar. People like having control over what the audience hear, and they love to spread their beautiful voices/noises over across the room. Who's the author of their speech? You may think it is the speaker, or it is the mic, but really, it is the speech itself, whether the speech is from an individual or a group of people, whatever is talked into the mic is the art piece.

Monday, April 8, 2019


signs are themselves hung up on the walls,
usually rectangular
made for people to pay attention to
crucial info included
Image result for 搞笑中英翻译标语

Image result for 搞笑中英翻译标语

Monday, April 1, 2019

Term Project

My term project will be creating a series of street interviews about random questions, and when editing the footage, all the answers and questions will be separated and re-assigned so the true question-answer is unknown to the audience.  
Why: Because the Internet is very good at lying 
Because we Internet people are very easily deceived  
Because there is no truth 
To test how our imagination and logic can make things make sense 
Because randomness connects to creativity ["I am asking for your opinion, but your opinion doesn’t really matter"] 

Method: prepare 100 questions and interview 100 people.  
Interview type: interviewer’s face not showing; subtitles will be added 
Timeline: Prepare 10-15 questions by Monday, interview and film by Friday, edit on the weekends  

Creating an online presence that is only related to one specific thing: a shape, an object, a color, e.g., a face shaver blade, letter R, things that have three holes, mint green  Method: using Instagram, YouTube, Twitter Material: mainly digital images, sounds and videos. 

a poem

You wake up in the morning 9 am, a piece of lonely cloud above your eyes you think it's telling you not to look at her You get up,...